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HomeCouponsGreat Couponing Tips For The Average Person

Great Couponing Tips For The Average Person


The times you have to shop need not prove arduous, nor expensive. It is possible to realize true savings if you just learn to use coupons wisely. You just need to know how you can find the coupons you need. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about saving money with the power of coupons.

When you have a manufacturer’s coupon, you can stack that coupon with store coupons. This is a great way to get items for next to free or almost free. Use the store’s coupons from their weekly circular and match them up with coupons from the manufacturer off the Internet or from the newspaper.

To maximize your savings when using coupons, use them to purchase items that are on sale and at supermarkets that offer double or triple coupon savings. When you buy an item that is on sale and use a coupon that is doubled or tripled, you may find that you pay pennies for the item or even get it for free!

Make sure you have the room for all of your newly bought items. Couponing will fill your cupboards and have you buying multiples of one product to get them for free or at a very deep discounted price. You will be stocked up for a long time on some very specific items.

When you go shopping, you are much more likely to stick to your budget if you only pay with cash. Decide how much you are going to spend. Decide the amount of savings from coupons you will receive. Then only take that amount of cash with you shopping. You will only purchase what you need and you will be motivated towards using all your coupons if you shop with cash only.

Sign up for a coupon trading circle with other women. You can do this online or in your local area. You will find coupons from places you do not know about and maybe trade away once for items that you are already stocked up on, or that you know you will never use.

To make the most from coupons, you should make sure you have a subscription to your local Sunday paper. There are coupons in the newspaper every day of the week. However, the sheer volume and variety of coupons in the Sunday paper will more than offset the cost of the subscription.

Organize your coupons by the expiration date. You might find, when you start clipping, that you are collecting a bountiful supply of coupons for the same item. If you organize these coupons by the expiration date, you will make sure to use the ones that expire first during your next trip, and save the others for a later date. This helps you to take advantage of all the savings you have gathered.

To find out about coupons you might not otherwise hear about, be friendly with your store cashiers. They see coupons of all kinds for hours a day. Chat them up a little, and you might just get some tips on coupon tricks specifically useful to the stores that they work at.

Compare prices between the warehouse and the grocer. There can often be a better deal waiting for you at the your local ‘warehouse’ store. Check online or check the prices between the two, in person, and evaluate the best use of your coupons. You may buy a little more, yet save a little more as well.

Watch yourself carefully when you are collecting coupons and avoid clipping something just because it is a good deal. Just because you can get a large dollar amount off, it does not instantly mean you should use the coupon. If the brand is not one that you would normally buy, you can actually end up wasting money by using the great coupon you have found.

Don’t get picky. To get the most out of your coupons, disregard any brand loyalties you may feel. If the brand you use isn’t on sale, don’t buy it. There isn’t a huge difference between most brands. Base your shopping list around the items that you currently have coupons for.

Rewards cards are awesome to use because they give you a big savings on sales but also there are usually incentives to being a member. Sometimes you will save money on gas at your local gas station if they have a deal with them or you can build points to save on groceries and other sales.

To make your coupon hobby run more smoothly, try purchasing a three-ring binder, and fill it with baseball card collector sheets. Each sheet contains 9 pockets that you can fill with your coupons. Coupons can then be divided into categories, such as cleaning supplies, beauty products and many other categories.

A great way to save money with coupons is by not limiting yourself to just the larger items. Even the smaller 25 cent coupons will add up over time, and you will end up saving a lot more money on a yearly basis. So start stocking up and saving money!

Some of the best coupons that you will find are going to be in your local newspapers. These coupons will be for the stores that are local in your area and very easy to get to, which will improve the level of convenience you have and reduce your stress level.

With any luck, this advice should have helped you learn how to shop with coupons. You have a lot to learn, but once you have learned it, you can save money. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare to shop, and make coupons a consistent part of your shopping routine.


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