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HomeCredit CardsThings That You Must Know When Dealing With Credit Cards

Things That You Must Know When Dealing With Credit Cards


Credit cards can give great rewards, provided they are used with care and control. Other people who don’t use credit cards wisely deal with unexpected, large bills. If you want to reap the benefits of proper credit card use, this article will help you learn the basics.

When making purchases with your credit cards you should stick to buying items that you need instead of buying those that you want. Buying luxury items with credit cards is one of the easiest ways to get into debt. If it is something that you can live without you should avoid charging it.

Check your credit report regularly. By law, you are allowed to check your credit score once a year from the three major credit agencies. This may be often enough, if you use credit sparingly and always pay on time. You may want to spend the extra money, and check more often if you carry a lot of credit card debt.

Check whether there is an annual fee attached to your credit card, to make sure you aren’t overpaying for a premium card. The exclusive credit cards, like the platinum or black cards, are known to charge it’s customers an annual fee from $100 to $1,000 a year. If you don’t care about exclusivity, these cards aren’t for you.

To make the best decision regarding the best credit card for you, compare what the interest rate is amongst several credit card options. If a card has a high interest rate, it means that you will pay a higher interest expense on your card’s unpaid balance, which can be a real burden on your wallet.

Pay your minimum payment on time each month, to avoid more fees. If you can afford to, pay more than the minimum payment so that you can reduce the interest fees. Just be sure to pay the minimum amount before the due date.

Every time you decide to apply for a new credit card, your credit report is checked and an “inquiry” is made. This stays on your credit report for up to two years and too many inquiries, brings your credit score down. Therefore, before you start wildly applying for different cards, research the market first and choose a few select options.

One important tip for all credit card users is to make a budget. Having a budget is a great way to figure out whether or not you can afford to buy something. If you can’t afford it, charging something to your credit card is just a recipe for disaster.

When utilizing a credit card on the Internet, be careful. Prior to entering credit card information within the Internet, be sure you’re using a secure site. Secure sites protect your card information from being stolen. Do not pay any attention to emails that want your credit card details.

Make sure that you watch your statements closely. If you see charges that should not be on there, or that you feel you were charged incorrectly for, call customer service. If you cannot get anywhere with customer service, ask politely to speak to the retention team, in order for you to get the assistance you need.

Many companies advertise that you can transfer balances over to them and carry a lower interest rate. This sounds appealing, but you need to carefully consider your options. Think about it. If a company consolidates a higher amount of money onto one card and then the interest rate spikes, you are going to have a hard time making that payment. Know all the terms and conditions, and be careful.

Keep one low-limit card in your wallet for emergency expenses only. All other cards should be kept at home, to avoid impulse buys that you can’t really afford. If you need a card for a large purchase, you will have to knowingly get it from your home and take it with you. This will give you extra time to think about what you are buying.

Find out if the interest rate on a new card is the regular rate, or if it is offered as part of a promotion. Many people do not realize that the rate that they see at first is promotional, and that the real interest rate may be a significant amount more than that.

Do your research prior to applying for a credit card. Certain companies charge a higher annual fee than others. Compare the rates of many different companies to make sure you get the one with the lowest fee. Also, do not forget to find out if the APR rate is fixed or variable.

Limit the number of active credit cards you have, in order to avoid getting into debt. It’s much easier to manage your finances with fewer cards and to limit excessive spending. Ignore all the offers you might be receiving, tempting you into getting more cards and letting your spending get too far out of control.

Keep multiple credit card accounts open. Having multiple credit cards will keep your credit score healthy, as long as you pay on them consistently. The key to keeping a healthy credit score with multiple credit cards is to use them responsibly. If you do not, you could end up hurting your credit score.

Keep your credit card spending to a small percentage of your total credit limit. Usually 30 percent is about right. If you spend too much, it’ll be harder to pay off, and won’t look good on your credit report. In contrast, using your credit card lightly lessens your stress, and can help improve your credit score.

Using credit cards cautiously can improve your credit score and make it possible for you to purchase high ticket items immediately. If you do not follow this advice regarding correct credit card usage, you may have a lot of stress in your future. Use what you’ve learned in this article to use your credit wisely.


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