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HomeGoldHelpful Hints For Buying, Selling And Trading In Gold

Helpful Hints For Buying, Selling And Trading In Gold


Gold is a commodity that for centuries has been prized and coveted as a reliable method of securing and quantifying wealth. Recent years have seen an explosion in the popularity of gold among all sorts of investors, though it is important to gain sufficient knowledge of the topic before leaping in with both feet. Keep reading to learn some key tips.

It is important to understand the type of scale your gold dealer uses. Some dealers use a Troy scale while others use a pennyweight. On a Troy scale, gold weighs 31.1 grams per ounce. A pennyweight equals 1.555 grams. In comparison, a US scale measures each ounce of gold at 28 grams.

Beware of buying or selling gold from any mobile offices or cold-call solicitations. These “businesses” are set up in temporary locations that include inns and motels. They claim to offer instant cash for silver and gold pieces, especially coins. They enjoy taking pieces to make a profit for unfair or no compensation.

If you have a nice gold piece, consider selling it privately rather than through a gold purchasing agency or jewelry store. Many companies that are in business to buy gold will only buy it to melt and sell, meaning they will pay only for the weight of the gold. An individual who likes your piece might be willing to pay a higher price tag, because they are likely to keep and enjoy the piece.

If you’re interested in buying gold from a dealer, make sure he is reputable. Avoid doing business with anyone who doesn’t have at least 10 years of experience in the business, because that’s one of the most important prerequisites to have. Someone who has been around for a decade is likely to be trustworthy and knowledgeable enough to make you money.

If you are thinking about becoming a buyer or seller of gold, make sure you are legal! In the United States, you must have a license to purchase, sell or trade gold in any quantities on a regular basis. Check with your city or town about how to become licensed, and then enjoy your new entitlement to dealing in gold.

Ask what method is used to determine the purity or karats of your jewelry. In many cases, items are stamped. But other times, there isn’t any mark of visual cue, so the reps have other alternatives for determining it. Acid tests are simple ways to do this, so if the rep does this, they’re probably new to the business.

Have a basic understanding of grams and pennyweight measurements when selling your gold. Some jewelers will measure in pennyweight but pay in grams, and this results in a lower payment to the seller. Avoid this by asking what measurement your jeweler is using before your pieces are ever weighed, and make sure you are paid based on that same measurement.

If you decide to purchase gold, make sure you go to a reputable dealer. Buying coins from a coin shop may be convenient, but you may not be getting the best deal. Gold prices can fluctuate from one day to the next, so make sure you know how much you should be paying on that particular day.

Even though gold is often profitable, it is also equally volatile. If the thought of volatility and constant changes is a turn-off, perhaps the gold market is not for you. However, if you have some ability to weather such swings, still be sure to safeguard your downside potential risks. Because of the volatile market, only a small amount of your portfolio should be invested in the gold market. In most cases, 5 percent is sufficient.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate a little bit with your gold dealer before selling or buying. There’s typically a little wiggle room in the prices that are offered to you, so take advantage of it. This is a major advantage of a face-to-face sale over one that’s done over the Internet.

Selling your unwanted gold rings, bracelets and chains is an easy way to put some extra money in your pocket. It is also a great way to be kind to our planet. Used gold can be melted down, refined and then reused in beautiful new pieces without the need for mining new gold.

Make sure that you know what you are buying. When you are looking to invest in gold coins, you want to make sure you buy solid gold and not gold plated coins. To learn whether you have real gold coins, get them appraised by an appraiser that’s certified before you buy it.

Always try to buy gold from a dealer with whom you are familiar. Developing a business relationship with a specific dealer you trust will increase your confidence when buying or selling gold. Purchase gold coins and bullion bars that have a known value based on gold prices each day.

While you can invest in the actual precious metal itself, you can also look into buying gold in other ways. There are gold mining stocks and mutual funds even centered around gold as well. Look into your options thoroughly, and ask questions before making a decision. You want to make the right investment for you.

There is very little state regulation and no federal regulation to help gold buyers find a reputable dealer. You can always check with the Better Business Bureau and check online reviews for information about specific gold dealers. The US Mint has a list of authorized purchasers and another listing of gold dealers by state.

Never agree to do business with a dealer before doing your homework. The gold market has its fair share of bad players. These people will try and get over on you if you let them. Research and have knowledge of today’s gold prices before selling. The more you know, the more likely you are to make great decisions about gold.

There is no doubt that the economic troubles of recent years have caused an incredible boost in interest when it comes to buying and selling gold. Without a good foundation of knowledge, however, the terrain of gold markets can be rather treacherous. Hopefully the preceding article has served as a valuable resource.


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